
Alternative financing solution

In response to unfavorable conditions on the mortgage market, we have prepared a solution for you to live in house of your choosing easily and without secured financing of the entire purchase price. You can postpone the settlement of your mortgage with for one year, during which, according to forecasts, interest rates shoul again decrease. In the meantime, part of the purchase price can be paid in the form of rent. During the lease period, you will get enough time to settle the mortgage or sell your previous house, from which you can finance the purchase, but you will already live in the new house, which will one day be yours.

Some types of houses will now have as standard preparation for a heat pump, photovoltaics or a rainwater retention tank. Furthermore, we are again offering you a very popular bonus, namely a complete kitchen including appliances from the manufacturer Electrolux completely free of charge (market price is 150.000,- CZK).

If you are interested in a visit, please contact us, we will happily show you our project.

Currently you don't have to a have mortgage to live in Tresnovka!


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